Music is not a stand-alone program at BCC, but instead is consciously and carefully interwoven into all of our other programs. Not only is music fun and inspiring, it positively influences brain development in young children. Exposing children to music at an early age creates a basic musical foundation and appreciation that can last a lifetime. Voice, melody, rhythm, movement, instrument introduction, ear training, repertoire and phrasing are a few of the skills related to the understanding of music. Understanding music’s innate structure and participation in music, from listening to performing, are linked to improved math, memory and reading skills. When children are creative and make up their own rhymes and songs, they are building their knowledge of words and sounds. They are also building new connections in their brains. It does not matter what kind of music they hear or create, all music is an academic workout.
BCC's Music Classes
Music will help your child gain skills in the areas of cognitive development, physical ability, math skills, memory, social interaction and language development. In the spirit of fun, your child will form his/her repertoire by singing, moving and listening. Your child will have a hands-on experience playing with percussion instruments and story telling through songs, while nurturing his/her sense of imagination and self- identity. We also incorporate the Reggio philosophy by finding songs to follow the interests of the children.
One of the tremendous benefits of the music classes at BCC is that music is an inclusive way to reach every child in the room because it includes all learning styles—auditory, visual, sensory and motor skills.
Parents & Music
Parents are our first and foremost teachers and music is a natural connector to growth and learning. You can encourage the connection by:
- playing all types of music around the house;
- singing songs to and with your children;
- writing down family experiences and making them into songs;
- making instruments with pots and pans or containers with beans; and/or
- tapping your feet, clapping your hands and dancing around the house.
Singing is a good tool for transitions—getting children from A to B by singing them into the next activity by using:
- familiar melodies and/or
- repetition
For example:
"Let’s put on our coats and shoes… coats and shoes… coats and shoes…" (2x)
"so we can go outside… go outside…" (2x)
(sung to the tune of London Bridge is Falling Down)
Plant the “musical seed” early on and watch the benefits abound!