Bowen Island Family Place
where families with young children
play, learn and grow together.
Many lasting friendships have started right here!
Mon - Thurs, 9 - 12.
Drop in, it's free!
We provide tea & coffee for the big people and snacks for the littles.
Call the Family Place Coordinator at:
or email
Family Place has several featured programs.
Note that we are closed on statutory holidays.
As well as Family Place Drop-In
we also provide:
Baby Connections
For expecting and new parents,
as well as their babies 0-12 months.
Scheduled guest speakers, tea/coffee and snacks.
Friday 11am – 1pm
Daddy & Me
Saturday morning breakfast and play for you and your little one(s).
Fathers, stepfathers, grandfathers
or any other role model/caregivers are welcome to attend.
We are currently seeking a leader for these Saturday sessions.
If you are interested please email the Family Place Coordinator
Family Place in French
April 11
May 9, 16, 23
June 6, 13
Family Place in French, hosted by Rob Pineau, happens during regular programming on scheduled Thursdays during the school year (three Thursdays each month).
You don’t need to speak or understand French to enjoy interactions in the French language with your child. This is an opportunity for your child to be exposed to the sounds of the French language in a relaxed and fun setting. Families who speak French at home are encouraged to participate too as everyone benefits from being surrounded by the French language.
Community Health Nurse
These regular visits deliver informative talks and encourage discussion on prearranged topics relating to parenting infants, toddlers and preschoolers.
The nurse will also be available to talk with you individually should you have any questions or concerns about your child(ren)’s general health, sleep, nutrition, dental care, behaviour and more.
Contact us or look out for announcements and dates in the weekly newsletter and on Facebook.
Parent-Child Mother Goose
This program welcomes families with children 0-2
for rhymes, songs and stories.
We invite parents, grandparents and caregivers to attend with their child.
Pre-registration is required:
Email the Family Place Coordinator
or call 604-947-2717
ext 2
When you come to Family Place the first time we will ask you to fill in our enrolment form.
There are no fees at this time.
Family Place Parent Guide
Children must be supervised by parents/caregivers at all times while attending our programs. If you need to leave the Family Place room, please ensure that another adult is responsible for your child in your absence. The program facilitators are not permitted to care for participant’s children.
Out of respect for the children participating in our programs, these parenting behaviours will not be tolerated: physical punishment, isolation, yelling, shaming, blaming, excessive time outs.
We aim to make Family Place a relaxed and friendly atmosphere for everyone and we thank you for your support in this.
A children’s snack is provided around 10:30am in the Monday to Thursday program.
You are welcome to bring a snack for your child if this timing does not work for your child’s schedule.
Please note that Family Place and all Bowen Children’s Centre Programs are “nut-free”.
Phones and Photos
Attending Family Place is your special time to connect with your child. To ensure that you spend quality time with your child, please limit cell phone use while attending the program.
Family Place has implemented a no-camera policy to protect the privacy of all participants; therefore, we ask that you please do not take photos of your child or others during the program.
On occasion, parents may be asked for signed consent for photos to be taken for a specific purpose for Family Place.
Health & Safety
Family Place adheres to the Vancouver Coastal Health guidelines for cleaning, toy washing, safety and health. To ensure the health and well-being of all who participate in our programs, please do not attend Family Place if either the participating adult or child has any of the following conditions:
- fever;
- diarrhea;
- vomiting;
- cough;
- severe cold;
- head lice;
- conjunctivitis;
- un-diagnosed rash; or
- any other communicable disease
Once you and your child(ren) are free of symptoms for 24 hours (without medication to suppress symptoms) or and/or if you have doctor’s approval, you and your child(ren) are welcome to participate again in the programs.
Sign up HERE to receive programming, community and resource updates that are relevant to families with young children.