
WELCOME to the Saplings Room. Our program is classified as a licensed childcare centre for children from birth to three (0-3 years of age). 

Our capacity is presently eight (8) licensed full time (5 days/week) spaces. We fill those eight spaces with 2 full time children, and as many part time children that it takes to fill the other six spaces. The minimum staff to child ratio is 1-4 for the infant toddler age group. We often staff higher than this to safeguard the quality of the program, and to reduce wear and tear on our staff.

We enrol children into our programs in the order in which we receive their family’s applications. However, we do reserve the right to manage the acceptance of applications so as to create group dynamics that allow the children (and staff) to have the best possible experiences.

In Saplings, our new Infant Toddler Program, we enrol children between the ages of 12 months and 30 months.

Infant toddler registration is ongoing; families may register their children at any time during the year, and children are accepted into the program as space becomes available. The waitlist is open to families as soon as you know you will be having a child. There is no fee to register for the waitlist.

Once you have a confirmed space in the program, you will be emailed a secure  link to online registration data base in order to complete our Enrolment Package.  The enrolment package includes:

  • BCC’s Enrolment Form
  • Parent’s Agreement
  • Consents and Permissions
  • Emergency Card
  • Immunization Form

Please do not forget to upload a photo of your child as this is one of our licensing requirements.

Once enrolment has been completed, you will receive an invoice for your registration fee as well as deposit.  Program fees are invoiced monthly and will come to you by email.

Should you have any questions regarding enrolment, please contact an Infant toddler Coordinator at saplings@bowenchildrenscentre.ca or by phone at 604-947-9632.

PLEASE NOTE: a Bowen Children’s Enrolment Package is valid for all BCC Programs


The BCC Infant Toddler Program accepts payment by:

  • e-transfer to accounting@bowenchildrenscentre.ca;
  • cheque or money order payable to the BCC Infant Toddler Program;
  • delivered in person;
  • mailed to Bowen Children’s Centre, 650 Carter Rd, Bowen Island, V0N 1G2.

Please make cheques payable to BCC Infant Toddler Program and be sure to add your child/ren’s name in the memo line on all forms of payment.

Each February, BCC issues receipts for the previous year’s daycare fees, which parents may use to claim the Child Care Tax Credit.